Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wu Diwen

Name : Wu Diwen
English Name : Dean
Country : China
District : Guangdung
Date Of Birth : January 13, 1982
Height : 187cm
Profession : Model / Actor
Trivia :
- Joined a sports school in the outskirt of Guangzhou for basketball training. Though tall for his age, there were many players in his school who were taller than him and thus making him received less attention from the his coach. However his height disadvantaged failed to deter from training harder and eventually was selected to participate in the National Youth Championship. Even though he was only a reserved player for the competition, he felt he had almost achieved his dream. One day during training for the competition, he suffered a foot injury and was eventually replaced by another player for the national championship.

He was devastated after being dropped from the basketball team but with the encouragement from his parents he began to accept his failure more positively. He was consoled by his father that besides basketball, he could still do some other things. In 2005, persuaded and assisted by his friend, he registered for the Beauty In Flower City contest, a contest organized by Guangzhou TV station to unearth new talents to work as TV presenters and advertisement models. He was named the male champion in the modeling category.

Life for him, was not smooth after the contest. Due to his young age and sudden "fame" , he began to lose himself and did not treasure job opportunities that came to him. He was struggling with his life until he realized that he had to start his life all over again and thus decided to go to Shanghai to seek jobs. In Shanghai he discovered that life was not easy either as opportunities for male models were not as many as for female models. Life wasn't bed of roses for him in Shanghai and he still had to struggle to survive in the big city until he decided to participate in another modelling contest, the Shanghai division of the My Hero contest. He won the contest but this time he did not allow himself to be like in the previous time. He treasured all the opportunities that came to him. He got more works and later even received acting offers. Since then he had not only ventured into modelling and acting but singing as well and even won a few awards in modelling and singing.

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