Saturday, February 12, 2011


Name : Anjasmara Prasetya
Country : Indonesia
Date Of Birth : November 13, 1975
Height : 175cm
Profession : Actor / Model

He is a well known actor who started out as a model in Indonesia. In 2005, he caused a controversy in his Muslim majority country by posing "nude" with a female model and had the photos exhibited.

He received condemnation for Islamic groups in Indonesia for the photos eventhough he had clarified that those photos were taken artistically and he was not fully unclothed during the photo shoot but was digitally made to look nude for the exhibition.

A police report was made against him, the female model and the photographer in September 2005 by an Islamic group. The group condemned him for this immoral act and for allowing the photos to be shown to public. He was accused to have insulted Islamic religious scholars through his act because prior to that he had potrayed as a religious scholar in a few dramas.

The police report led him to apologize. However the Islamic group was not satisfied with a mere apology. Eventually the photos were removed from the exhibition.

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