Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Manhunt International 2011 - Mr Indonesia

Mr Indonesia
Name : Jchan Januar
Date Of Birth : January 23rd, 1985

An exclusive interview of him with an Indonesian pageant portal.

Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself ?
A. I am the eldest child in the family of 3 boys. Currently i am staying in Jakarta whereas my family live in Semarang. As the eldest child, it is my duty to set good example to my brothers how not to be too dependent on our family. For example when i finished high school, i worked part time to lessen the burden of my family. For a guy, eventually he has to go out to earn living not only for himself but for his family. It is important for a guy to learn about this responsibility from young.

Q. What is your life motto ?
A. Think big, do big and you will get big reward

Q. Who inspire you the most ?
A. My mother. She teaches me that i have to work hard to achieve whatever goals i have set in my life.

Q. What is the funniest or most unique experience that you have ever been through in your life ?
A. There was once when i was in primary school, i fell and wounded my ear and had to get it stiched. When my teacher saw it, thinking that i had pierced by ear, she reprimanded me in front of my classmates.

Q. What was your childhood and adulthood ambitions ?
A. Whe i was a child i wanted to be a doctor because it is a very noble profession and i would have the designation " Dr " added to my name. However when i was growing up, i discovered that i love arts and i love modelling. I am a model now. Eventhough life as a model is not easy as it looks, i am happy to have chosen this profession. I am always working hard to develop myself further in the modellng world.

Q. What do you do in your free time ?
A. Besides exercising which has become part of my life, i jam and travel when i have free time.

Q. Tell us the nice moments about your participation in L-Men of The Year 2010.
A. During the competition i had to chance to participate in various exciting activities like acting lessons, modelling lessons as well as learning public speaking skills and other aspects about the entertainment industry. When i won the 2nd runnersup title, i left my job as a bank officer and moved to Jakarta to join the modelling industry.

Q. If you had to choose a song to reflect yourself, which song would it be and why ?
A. I like pop/rock because regardless the song is an happy or sad one, it always give me a sense of encouragement, just like my personality where i will always strife to do the best in everything i do.

Q. What are the things that you look forward to do or places to visit when you are in Korea for the Manhunt International 2011 ?
A. I have never been to Korea before, so when people ask me, i will answer "everywhere". Haha !

Q. What are your preparations for Manhunt International 2011 ?
A. A lot of them like physical fitness and many others. However what is interesting this year is that there would be talent contest. I learned K-Pop dance which is new to me. During the talent contest, i will play guitar and drums and at the same time do K-Pop dance for 2 minues. I am still stiff but i will try to give my best performance on that night, haha !

Q. Who do you think is your main competitor at Manhunt International 2011 ?
A. To me all the contestants are good eventhough i have never met them before. I am mentally prepared and ready to do my best in the competition.

Q. Do you have a target that you wish to achieve in the competition ?
A. I want to emulate what my predecessors had achieved in the past years which is winning the Best National Costume title and of course i am targetting to do better than them this year.

Q. If you had the opportunity to talk about Indonesia at Manhunt International, what would it be and why ?
A. Many people are sceptical about Indonesia. I want to tell everyone that Indonesia is not a terrorist country. Those terrorists acts, in the past were carried out by a very small group of religious extremists. Majority of Indonesians condemn terrorism and we want to introduce the richness of Indonesian cultures and all the many islands to the world. Indonesia is not just about Bali only.

Q. What is your message to all your supporters ?
A. I would like to thank everyone for their endless supports and will do my best at the competition. .

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