Friday, May 20, 2011

Nicky Wu ( 1 )

Name : Wu Chi Lung ( Nicky )
Country : Taiwan
Date Of Birth : October 31st, 1970
Height : 173cm

Growing up in a family of three boys, he had a boisterous years when he was a little boy. He was the weakest among the three siblings and often got sick. In 1988, during summer holidays, he worked as a car washer in the morning and as a street vendor selling clothes and women's jewelry at night. One night when a singer and music producer, Angus Tung was shopping with his wife, they stopped by at Nicky's stall. While his wife was browsing over the items sold, Angus had a little conversation with Nicky. Attracted with Nicky's appearance, Angus invited Nicky to an audition. Nicky declined Angus's invitation but the persistent Angus gave his name card to Nicky and asked him to think over it.

On another day, he caught the attention of a man scouting for new talents for a TV show. The man first observed him from afar for three days and was later noticed by Nicky. Nicky felt uncomfortable to be observed and stared by a man without knowing the reason why the man was doing that. Finally on the 4th day the scouting agent approached Nicky and invited him to audition to be part of a trio group for a TV show. Nicky again declined the offer but the agent was not giving up but continued to persuade him tirelessly and finally Nicky relented and went for the audition.

On the audition day, more than 3000 hopefuls turned up but Nicky ended as one of the 100 plus youngsters to progress to the next round. He was given 1 minute to introduce himself and followed with a dance performance. He was not prepared and hence failed to do well during the self-introduction and his dance performance was messy. He confessed to the judges that he couldn't dance but told them that he could do somersault. He was asked to do so and this performance of his impressed the judges. The judges acknowledged that even though he was not a good dance but he had the potential to be one and with his good appearance he could be a star in the future. Several months and further auditions, he was finally shortlisted to be one of the three who were to form a singing trio, named Little Tigers. The group made their public performance debut in the summer of 1988, on a TV show. At that time he was still in high school. However he only spent his time rehearsing and performing on weekends. The trio made their first recording, a chinese new year album with a girl group in 1989 which became a hit among the young people. Little Tigers enjoyed immense popularity through the 90s.until the group was dissolved and the members went on to pursue their solo careers. Nicky continued to enjoyed success after going solo and in 2000 and eventually expanded his career to Hong Kong. His songs were popular in Hong Kong and it wasn't long that he was roped in to star in a movie. In 2002, he appeared in a major Chinese drama and the success of the drama lifted his name further in the acting industry. Since then he dedicated almost all his time on acting and deserted his singing career. In December 2006, he married an actress from mainland China but the couple divorced in 2009. Today he is active in dramas in Taiwan and China.

Nicky Wu - his "Little Tigers" days

1 comment:

  1. finally found more information about Nicky.. so cute in these pictures.. wish I was born earlier..
