Monday, April 25, 2011

Bobby Dou (1)

Name : Dou Zhi Kang
English Name : Bobby
Country : Taiwan
Date Of Birth : September 28, 1979
Height : 174cm
Profession : Actor

He was born in Taipei but moved to Kaoshiung when he was 7. He was a very playful boy, if not fighting with his younger brother he would be playing truants on his schoolmates. Due to his energetic nature, he was encouraged to take up sports by his teacher in the hope that he would use sports to release his "robust" energy.

By teen, he outgoing personality, athletic body and dashing face, he became popular in school. Every morning, there would be either gifts or breakfast for him on the table from his many admirers especially the girls.

In school, he disliked mathematics. In 1994, thinking that Mechanical Engineering does not require mathematics, he signed up to study the course in a college and ended up having difficulties to study. In the same year, during a summer vacation, he was discovered and asked to go for an audition for a production house. He joined the production house in 1995, attending voice training and dance classes. However during the period up to 1998, he did not get any chance to do any music works or recording because the producer was away in US. His time was spent to run errands for the company's stuff. After some changes and re-structuring within the company, he finally had the chance to record an album. During this period, he also appeared in a few music videos of other more established singers and modeled for few advertisements. Life was tough and he was asked to return to his hometown by his parents. However despite the hardship, he decided to stay on and led a life of frugality.

In 2000, he started acting, playing minor role in a drama, which was to pave his way into the acting profession. Since then he has appeared in numerous dramas and a few movies and seen his popularity rising. He also continued his studies but no longer mechanical engineering. Today after a decade he is still "studying" and has been accused by many of trying to escape the compulsory military conscription.

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